Dienstag, 15. Dezember 2009

Power from Hell

Power from Hell
(A heavy metal riff... real heavy!)

c 2001 T.H. Culhane

The sky god gave us wind and rain
and the holy sun to light the day
He gave us everything we need
and sent his son to show the way

We turned our backs, we turned insane
And with the devil now we play
He tempts our everlusting greed
with oil and coal on which we feed

We've chosen power from hell
we've chosen power from hell

Of course there is another way
the winds of heaven, sunny days,
the force of water, gentle flows
combined  can make our nation grow

But if we want to get rich quick
with Satan we will always stick
continue mining Hades store
no matter that  it makes us sick

We've chosen power from Hell
And we will never get well
If we can buy cheap and sell
expensive power from hell

We've chosen power from hell
Oil, gold and diamonds as well
coal and uranium -- hell
Look what we're eatin!
Goodbye to Eden
Look what we've done since we fell...

We're using power from hell!

Hey there you consumer I have heard this vicious rumor
that you want to drill into the river styx
Hey there Mr. Politician what the hell is your religion
do you worship golden calves as well?
Forget about the prophets; as you quest for higher profits,
still you  never stop to gaze up at the sky
The answers up not down below but all you do it send the flow
of capital down deeper where it goes....

That's where it all goes to HELL.
Down to the bowels of hell
The gate to hell: the oil well
We're using power from hell

Mittwoch, 11. November 2009

Making Biogas is a Gas Gas Gas!

(144 bpm)

Chords: D, C, G

Making Biogas is a Gas Gas Gas
It‘s the same gas as the gas we pass.

Verse I:
When you see trash piled in the middle of a third world country street
And you hear the food for fuel debate and wonder how we‘ll eat
Would we really save much energy if we all gave up meat
Do we really need those nukes or is that just the drum they beat?

Must be some (F) other way. (G) Is there (Bb) another way? You bet your ass (A!)

And it‘s a (D) gas. (C, G) And it’s a (D) blast (C, G) . It‘s (D) biogas. (C, (riff c b a G!)

Verse II:
We've lived through the age of stupid; the U.S. was king of fools
spreading blatant propaganda that we needed fossil fuels
Though we've always had bacteria and other microbes too
making methane gas and alcohol and other biofuels

Since Henry (F) Ford, (G) and way (Bb) before (G)
There's been no (F) need (G) to go to (Bb) war (C)
There is an (F) answer (G) -- to please Al (Bb) Gore ("A Convenient Truth" ) (A7)
We can't (F) afford to (G) just (A7) ignore (!)
The simple facts of biogas...

D, C, G
D, C, (c b a G!)

(Bb) Methane from (F) microbes, from (Ab) garbage (Eb) recyled by (F#) thermophiles, (D#) mesophiles (E) psychrophiles (B) too.
(Bb) This is the (F) only true (Ab) natural (Eb) gas, the (F#) other is still fossil (F) fuel,
(G7) Fossil fool
(A7) Don‘t be fooled…
(bass run eighth notes: A C# A F E D C# D) it‘s time we switched to biogas.

(Dm, C Gm)

Don't you think it's kind of funny,
All the reasearch, all the money
that we spend each year on nukes and fossil fuels

When every city, every household
has enough organic garbage
To produce all of the energy we use

'cause everybody has bacteria
from the south pole to Siberia
and they live to turn our wastes into new fuel
There is NO energy crisis
Christ, the planet's trying to help us
all the answers are in nature; ain't that cool?!

Let's change the (Bb) rules (A)
We have the (Gm) tools (A)
Harness the (Bb) sun (C) and biofuels (Dm)

Use the things (Gm !!) last (A !!)
Forget the (Bb!!) past (A!!)
We must move (Gm !!) fast (A!!)
Jump in and (Bb) make some biogas (C)

(A!!) "Anybody can make biogas, folks,
you can try this one at home.
Just a couple of plastic containers,
one filled with some gravel and water and manure or
(B/A!!) lake mud for the microbial starter culture,
the other to(C/A!!) collect the gas. Feed the tank your
kitchen waste today and (C#/A!!) tomorrow you get up to 2 hours of truly Natural
(D) Gas! (C, G)

Making biogas is a gas gas gas
It's the same gas as the gas we pass
(Microbes are taking care of business every day...
Taking dirty business and making it okay)

(D!) Anaerobic respiration is the pathway that we (G!) use
It starts with hydrolyzing foodwastes
into simpler molecules
Acetogenesis forms hydrogen, acetic acid too
They're reassembled by methanogens into a gaseous brew

Of CO2 (F) (under 40%) (G)
and CH4 (Bb) (60 or more) (G)
which we can (F) burn (making power and heat) (G), or we can (Bb) store (C)
It can be (F) used to cook or (G) heat our homes
run (Bb) generators frigerators (A) cars and trucks and more
(over the riff A C# A F E D C# D)
It's time we switch from oil
(A C# A F E D C# D)
No need for nukes at all
A C# A F E D C# D
It's time we switched to biogas. Dm C G7, Dm C G7
Bb F, Ab, Eb, F#, C# Dm.....)

مما يجعل الغاز الحيوي هو غاز غاز غاز
انهه نفس الغاز كنفث الغاز

عندما ترى القمامة مكدسة في وسط بلد من بلاد العالم الثالث في الشوارع
وتسمع النقاش علي الطعام للحصول على الوقود وتساءل نفسك كيف نأكل
هل ممكن ننقاذ الطاقة إذا توقفنا نكل اللحوم
هل نحن في درورة الطاقة نووية أو أنه كذبة؟

هل هناك طريقة أخرى؟

يجب أن تكون هناك وسيلة أخرى
لدينا الحل!

وانه الغاز. وانه ‏ نفخة. انه الغاز الحيوي.

لقد كنا نعيش في عصر الجهلية ، والولايات المتحدة هي ملكة الجهل
و قد نشرو الأكاذيب

1. أننا بحاجة الوقود الأحفوري

علي رغم من عندنا دائما البكتيريا والميكروبات الأخرى
صنعو غاز الميثان والكحول و أنواع اخرى من الوقود الحيوي

منذ عصر هنري فورد ، و من قبله
ليس هناك حاجة للذهاب إلى الحرب
هناك جواب -- لإرضاء
Al Gore
الحقيقة المريحة
لا يمكننا أن نتجاهل
الحقيقة البسيطة ... هي الغاز الحيوي

غاز الميثان من الميكروبات ، من القمامة عن طريق إعادة تدويرها
mesophiles thermophiles psychrophiles ايضا
هذا هو الغاز الطبيعي الحقيقي ، والآخر لا يزال الوقود الأحفوري
الوقود الأحفوري مجنون
لا يخدعوكم...
ولقد حان الوقت ان ننتقل الى الغاز الحيوي.

لا تظن انه شأن مضحكا ،
كل البحوث العلمية ، كل المال
الذي ينفق كل عام على الطقة النووية والوقود الأحفوري

على الرغم من الحقيقة أن في كل مدينة ، في كل بيت
عندنا ما يكفي القمامة العضوية
للانتاج الطاقة التي نستخدمها

لان كلن عندنا البكتيريا
من القطب الجنوبي الى سيبيريا
ويعيشون لتحويل النفايات الى وقود جديد لدينا
لا توجد أزمة الطاقة
و ان كوكب الأرض في محاولة مساعدتنا
كل الاجابات موجودة في الطبيعة ؛ ليس هذا عظيم؟!

دعونا نغييرالنظام
لدينا الأدوات
لازم نسخير الشمس والوقود الحيوي

لازم نستخدم الأشياء الذي تعمر
ننسي الماضي
ويجب علينا التحرك بسرعة
هيا بنا ننتج الغاز الحيوي

يمكن لأي شخص أن ينتج الغاز الحيوي ،
يمكنك أن تجرب هذا وحدك في منزلك.
انك تحتج مجرد حاويات من البلاستيك ،
مملوءة ببعض الحصى والماء وروث البقر أو من بحيرة الطين للثقافة الميكروبات في البداية
وحاوية الأخرى تستخدم لجمع الغاز.
غذي الخزان نفايات المطبخ اليوم...
وغدا تحصل على ما يصل الى 2 ساعة من الغاز الطبيعي

مما يجعل الغاز الحيوي هو غاز غاز غاز
انهه نفس الغاز الغاز الذي نضرطه.

الميكروبات ورعاية الأعمال التجارية يومية...
انهم يخذو الأعمال القذرة ويفعلها بخير

التنفس اللاهوائي هو الطريق الذي نستخدمه
وهي تبدأ في تحليل الماء من فضلات الطعام
في أبسط الجزيئات
Acetogenesis أشكال الهيدروجين وحامض الخليك خلال
وتحولت في الميثان

الغاز CO2 تحت 40 ٪
CH4 أكثر ٪ 60 من
التي يمكننا حرق (صنع الطاقة والحرارة) ، أو يمكن أن نقوم بتخزين
أو يمكن أن نقوم بتخزين
تشغيل مولدات الثلاجات و السيارات والشاحنات وأكثر

هان الوقت نتحول من النفط

لا نحتج طاقة نووية على الاطلاق

هان الوقت نتحول الى الغاز الحيوي

Donnerstag, 24. September 2009

Biosphere, the Music Video

"We don't have a thing to fear, we're living in a biosphere -- of life!"
With those words ringing out as the chorus of this MTV-style homage to the Biosphere II experiment, Jefferson High School science teacher T.H. Culhane and his inner-city students challenged both the doom and gloom that had infected the environmental movement and the public education system which separated the sciences and the arts. Circa 1992 this is a gem of the D.E.M.M.O. productions "Melodic-Mnemonics Science Education through Music and Video" collection produced "of the teachers and students, by the teachers and students, for the teachers and students."
D.E.M.M.O. stood for "Digital Education for Multi-Media Occupations", and was a program run by T.H. Culhane and his students in South Central Los Angeles from 1989 until 1997.


Back in 1991, when I was a NASA Challenger Center Teaching Fellow (one of the seven American teachers chosen in honor of Christie McAuliff and the Challenger Space Shuttle Astronauts) I received a $1000 grant to create this music video with my students at Jefferson High School in South Central Los Angeles. Carlous Galloway, an enterprising young rapper in my biology class, got inspired by the Marsville project and wrote the rap around which we created the song and video. This music video was packaged with the Challenger Center "Marsville" curriculum and put into thousands of schools. Hopefully one day all people, regardless of race, class, creed or social status, will be able to fulfill Carlous' dream of building a true "eutopia" on Mars..

Dienstag, 22. September 2009

Mammals of the Ocean: The Water Ape Hypothesis Set to Music

This is a song written and sung by T.H. Culhane when he was a science and multi-media teacher at Jefferson High School in South Central Los Angeles. It was produced and recorded with Byron DeLear at Ogden House Studios in Hollywood around 1995. David Grober, president of Motion Picture Marine, is also in the recording and took DeLear and Culhane and his students from the D.E.M.M.O. Productions program on the Motion Picture Marine Boat into the Ocean to video tape marine mammals and expose the inner city students to the marine environment for the first time. Unfortunately we don't have any of that early footage. Now T.H. brings his melodic-mnemonics songs around the world (Palestine and Israel are featured here) and teaches students the lessons by having them illustrate the lyrics with web images that they select. The first step is to create what is essentially a powerpoint presentation or video slide show of relevant images. The process of selecting and assembling the images reinforces the concepts and vocabulary. Different student teams will create different takes on the same songs. Advanced students continue by writing their own environmental songs in their own languages and illustrating with their own images and footage.


Good morning class!
and welcome to D.E.M.M.O. Productions' Melodic-Mnemonics Education thru Music Video! Today we're going to study about Evolution... you know all about that stuff. But we've got an
alternative hypothesis to the one you've been learning! Ever come and think you might have come from the ocean?

(Mammals of the Ocean, Mammals of the Ocean)

Let's go!

In some ways we're more like the whale then we are like the ape
Maybe Charles Darwin he make him a big mistake
the natural selection always she operate
in a harsh new environment 'cause baby now that's what it takes

coming down from the trees was not enough, no, no, no, no...
to make us what you see things had to be tough (real tough!)
He threw us into the water to sink or swim
the adaptations we have make us...
Far more like... HIM!?

More like the
Mammals of the Ocean
Look at the hairless skin, woah-oh
Mammals of the Ocean
Look at the fat we've got within
(you mean the blubber, beneath the cover)
Mammals of the Ocean
Look at the downward pointing noise
(keeps out the water, when we go under)
Mammals of the Ocean
Look at the finger-webbing and the paddle like toes...

Why do we build our fine houses out down by the sea
If we came straight from the ape we would build in the trees!
We hang around in the bathtub long after we're clean...
When God said we're born from the water, baby
just what did he mean?
Unless we're...

Mammals of the Ocean
Why so much hair stacked only on top of the head?
Unless we're...
Mammals of the Ocean
While bobbing and breathing the sunstroke would have killed us... dead!
Unless we're
Mammals of the Ocean
What's with the eyebrows where all other monkeys are bare?
So water won't drop in our eyes as it drips from our hair...
Mammals of the Ocean

Na na na na na, yeah-eh, yeah-eh-eh,
Oh yeah-ee-yeah-ee-yeah-ee yeah... yeah.... uh, uh-uh...

Our upright anatomy, more like the Manatee
Even the way we make love...
is more like the dolphin
who rescues us often
reminding us all where we're from...

Face down in cold water an ape really oughta
be drowned in a minute or two
but our reflex for diving keeps us humans thriving
when hunting like sea lions do...

(Key change)

Why else is sea food considered a delicacy?
Most other primates would rather eat fruit from the trees!
Why else do swimming pools signal high society?
Maybe Atlantis and Little Mermaids aren't just fantasy....

Mammals of the Ocean
I'm talking mammals, not fish...
We're Mammals of the Ocean...
I think that they ALL made a big mistake.
Mammals of the Ocean...
We're talking about YO' MAMMAL, man!
(Hey, don't be talking about my mamma that way, dig?)
(Just pullin' your fin, man...
of course we're doing it with a porpoise...)
Mammals of the Ocean
(my lips are sealed... and you fell for that hook, line and sinker...)
Mammals of the Ocean
Having a whale of a time here in Biology Class this time...
Now come on class, open your books up to page 377
and let's jam, come on, let's boogie down!!

I love Biology!!

Mammals of the Ocean.

Mittwoch, 9. September 2009


Lyrics by Byron DeLear and Seth Kaufman from the concept recording "Eutopia":

"The gifts are for givers, the makers not the takers
cause the givers are the livers and lovers of life they're the mothers
to the Human Race Viva La Raza!
Rastafaria -- Bonzai! I be smellin' trouble in the USA
'cause the givers are the livers and the lovers of life
and all the other's druthers are bringing down the Motherland -
"Apple pie and baseball" -- is that all?
Well if it is, then, I think, we're going down y'all
past the morgue -- straight to hell,
it sure ain't heaven in the bottom of a wishing well.
But a "brand new" dot dot dot (...) would sure be nice
but what's the price -- a bowl of rice, huh, would never suffice for us
but for more than half the world it must -- is that just?

Time to come together and start to live as one
We've been through stormy weather
And now we need the sun
to shine on through
To get to a...

"A brand new dot dot dot" -- the age of manufacturing consumers like products rolling off an assembly line is upon us.

Do you want to be manufactured?

Your desire and want for trivial consumables ramped up by the advertising
light and sound show we almost constantly bathe in?

Well, that's what most of us are suffering under today.

Dienstag, 1. September 2009

Plants are fighting battles too...

E, C7 B7

They’re upwardly mobile its true
Extending their leaves up there to the sun

The world a desert before the plants came

Photosynthesis took away their impetus (to move)
Now because of this they have to use an arsenal or lose

Each plant has an arsenal of weapons it can battle with
Bark and thorns and chemicals and drugs make you … all prove:

That plants are fighting battles too.

The Sound and Light Show

The Sound and Light Show
Copyright 2004 T.H. Culhane

Spoken: “When you’re sitting by the ocean
Putting on your suntan lotion
To protect you from the Ultra-Violet Rays
And you hear the surf that’s crashing
Waves of energy and passion
And you feel the wind a-howlin’ night and day”
When you’re riding ‘cross a sand dune
By the light reflected off the moon
And see the rippled shadows in the sand
When you throw a pebble in a pond
And watch the way that it responds
These images will help you understand
So you’ll remember that…”

Sound and Light are WAVES

Sound and Light are WAVES


Sound and light are waves

Sound and Light are WAVES

Organisms use them both to find out where they are in time and space
And BOUNCE off every object;
Their REFLECTIONS help us all to NAVIGATE
So just remember folks, that sound and light are waves….

Spoken: “On the surface of the ocean
you can see some waves in motion
It’s their height that science calls their “AMPLITUDE”

And the lengths of time and space
Between the crest of every wave
are the “FREQUENCY” and “WAVELENGTH”… which we use

To understand the nature
Of what goes on in nature
The subtle architecture
No longer just conjecture
In fact we know the structure
Though we can’t see it directly
We know that sound and light are waves

Spoken: “Deep inside a bat cave
A bat can’t bet on light waves
She’s got to learn to SEE WITH SOUND
For these creatures of the night
There’s no way to see with light
Sound reflection is the way they get around…

It’s called SONAR
Or “Echo-location”
Whales and dolphins do it too…
Underwater, so would you…

Sound and light are waves

Sound and Light are WAVES

And a wave is a DISTURBANCE
That travels through a MEDIUM
And a medium’s a substance
Like a solid or a liquid or a gas…

All waves behave…
As carriers of energy
From oscillating objects
Do reflection and diffraction…
Both have frequencies and amplitudes…
But here’s what’s really gnarly dude:
Only light can travel through the void…

Through outer space…

Where no-one can hear you scream…(scream, scream)…

Because sound, you see, is mechanical
But light is an electromagnet wave…

But all YOU must remember is that…

Sound and Light are waves…
Sound and light are waves…
Let there be SOUND!:
Guitar solo.

Frequency makes our eyes see in color
Frequency is harmony and music, yeah…
Amplitude is volume dude, and brightness…
Amplitude is thunder, dark and lightness….

Sound and light are waves
Energy in waves
That’s how sound behaves
That’s how light behaves
Sound and light are waves
Sound though is mechanical
While light is in electromagnet rays

Sounds a pressure wave
Light’s both particle AND wave
Sound travels through objects
Light can go through space
But both of them are waves
Sound and light are waves
Let there be LIGHT!

The Cytoplasm Blues

The Cytoplasm Blues
Copyright 1989 T.H. Culhane

I’ve got a NUCLEUS for a brain
That’s where I house my DNA
It’s got my BLUEPRINT tucked away

Contained within the CELL MEMBRANE

Down on the CYTOPLASMIC Plain
Is where the RIBOSOMES at play
Are making PROTEINS every day
Shipped down to GOLGI COMPLEX bay
Where they are packaged and sent away…

Down at the LYSOSOME there lies
A bunch of ENZYMES, creepy guys
Who through DIGESTION win the prize
For breaking food stuff down to size
But these AEROBIC CELLS are wise
At getting ENERGY supplies

They send it off to the MITOCHONDRION
That’s where the battle for ATP is won
Making POWER so the CELL can run
‘cause these poor ANIMAL CELLS can’t use the SUN!

So we gotta WORK
We gotta EAT
We go beserk
Trying to COMPETE
But that’s why LIVING
Is sooooooooo much FUN!
(Yeah you gotta believe in the lives of a cell!)

The Five Senses Song

The Five Senses Song
Copyright 2004 Melodic Mnemonics
Taha Rassam Culhane
with assistance from Amira Dibsy

I’ve got a nose right here
I’ve got a pair of ears
I’ve got a really big mouth filled with tongue and teeth
I got a pair of eyes
and a pair of hands
So now let’s sing so you understand…

The Five Senses!

We’ve got taste
We’ve got smell
And we see very well
And through touch we can feel
And we hear with our ears
Oh these sounds they appear very clear

With our eyes we see
With our ears we hear
With our nose we smell
With our tongues we taste
With our hands we touch
And that’s why we know the world so well…
5 senses here
5 senses there
5 senses: 


the world - it feels amazing!

Photons hit your eyeballs
Waves of sound bang on your eardrums
little molecules alight upon your tongue and your nose

Sensitive receptors take such tickles, tones and pressures
They become electric signals that then flow
And go…
…through your nerves they flow
It’s a secret code from your head to your toes

Everything’s connected through a telephone like network
And this nervous system feeds into your brain…

So we’ve got taste
We’ve got smell
And we see very well
And through touch we can feel
And we hear with our ears
Oh these sounds they appear very clear

With our eyes (we what?) we see
With our ears (we what?) we hear
With our nose (we what?) we smell
With our tongues we taste
With our hands we touch
And that’s why we know the world so well…

5 senses here
5 senses there
5 senses: 

the world - it FEELs amazing!
I’ve got five senses
We’ve got five senses
And the world it feels so wonderful
Yes the world feels so amazing!

Welcome to the Coral Reef

“Welcome to the Coral Reef”

The Zooxanthellae Rockabilly Song
Copyright 2003 By T.H. Culhane, Melodic Mnemonics
UCLA Dept. of Urban Planning
Environmental Analysis and Policy

Spoken: “There are more phyla and more orders of creatures underwater than exist in all the terrestrial biomes above
 And while the jungles of the world contain more actual species there almost 4 times as many phyla on the reef than in all the rainforests combined…,
Coral reefs contain over  25,000 species from 32 of the 34 animal phyla living on the planet earth;
But coral reefs are very rare and very threatened
25% of all marine species live in an area that is less than 1% of the ocean floor. And this area is getting smaller and smaller every day.
Pollution and over fishing and unsustainable development practices are destroying what was once the most stable ecosystem on the planet
Nonetheless, there is HOPE! And that hope grows every time one of YOU begins to take a serious interest in this fantabulous and fragile environment.”

and Arthropoda
and the Porifera
(“Sponge Bob”!)
And the Annelidae
(Sea Worms!)
Phylum Mollusca (snails!)
And Vertebrata (Whales?)   
like Osteichthyes (fish!)
And the Chondrichthyes (Fish!)
I mean the Sharks and Rays…
And the Delphinidae…
They all live here!
Under the water, under the water…
Under the water, under the water…
There’s such diversity…
Biodiversity –
Welcome to the Coral Reef!
(Let’s Go!)

The Coelenterata
Only found beneath the water
Are the corals and anenomes
That look like pretty flowers
But they’re animals…
Yes they’re animals…
And those weird Porifera
Those sponges that grow everywhere
From blobs of red and yellow
To giant purple barrels too
Are animals…
True they’re animals…

But they tend to live in colonies
That grow to look like coral trees
But they’re just apartment houses undersea

Hard corals form the basis
Of this undersea oasis
With the exoskeletons that they secrete…

That’s how they form the coral reef…

Coral polyps are strange hybrids
Of producers and consumers
Using tentacles to catch and stun their prey

But like some clams and slugs and nudibranchs
And Tridacnidae in fish farm tanks
They feed by photosynthesis by day
It’s a form of symbiosis
Where green algal zooxanthellae
Make the sugars that make everything else run

Now it may sound kinda silly, but a girl with Zooxanthellae…
Thus could eat by simply sitting in the sun…
Every girl’s dream…
Except she’d have to be green…
Welcome to the coral reef…

Shells and corals crushed by pounding waves
Get turned one day to tiny grains of sand
And over eons earth’s geology’s transformed by creatures of the sea
These animals create what we call land…
(and limestone and marble…and concrete!)
Your house may once have been a reef…

The echinodermata also live beneath the water
They’re the urchins and the starfish
Some have stomachs that come out when they digest their prey…
It’s a strange display…
And the Mollusca form the phylum 
Of the Mussels, Snails and Bivalves
That make all those pretty seashells
That you find along the beach
They’re rather marvelous…
Cousins of octopus…
And how many of you really knew
That bug-like creatures live there too…
The arthropods with crabs and shrimps and more
And there are worms that look like Christmas trees
Within the strange annelidae
The reef is filled with aliens galore
No need to go to outer space
The coral reef’s a stranger place
If you’re looking for a brave new world…
The ocean is the place to be…
Welcome to the coral reef!

Dienstag, 21. Juli 2009

Interphase: Mitosis set to Music

Mitosis Set to Music
Copyright 1990 T.H. Culhane Melodic Mnemonics


(We INTERrupt this mitotic program for a brief INTERmission…

Mitosis set to Music

You’re in INTERPHASE when you grow
You’re in INTERPHASE ‘til DNA starts to REPLICATE
You’re in INTERPHASE when you grow
When you grow
G1, S, and G2 STAGES
Then MITOSIS recreates us
CELLS DIVIDE, rejuvenate us
There are 4 mitotic phases:
You’re in INTERPHASE when you grow
You’re in INTERPHASE ‘til DNA starts to REPLICATE
Your CHROMATIN condenses
coiling up to form distinctive CHROMOSOMES

The CENTRIOLES then REPLICATE and move into position at the POLES

The MEMBRANE of the NUCLEUS  dissolves within its CYTOPLASMIC home
And SPINDLES start to form anchored on CENTROMERES within the central zone
the middle of the CELL is where the SPINDLES guide each CHROMOSOME
…on spider-web like THREADS that make the CENTROMERES line up at the EQUATOR…
… and later…
the CENTROMERES divide,
Each CHROMATID transforms into a CHROMOSOME in its own right…
And SPINDLE FIBERS drag them to the POLES
Around each set of CHROMOSOMES
Their COLORED BODIES* start to fade away
MITOSIS is complete but now the cell must REPLICATE
It must divide!
That’s when CYTOKINESIS…
Splits the cell in two pieces…
Dividing your CYTOPLASM
And all your ORGANELLES…
Making from one cell two!
You’re in INTERPHASE when you grow
You’re in INTERPHASE ‘til DNA starts to REPLICATE
You’re in INTERPHASE when you grow
When you grow
G1, S, and G2 STAGES
Then MITOSIS recreates us
CELLS DIVIDE, rejuvenate us
Cells divide and divide and divide ‘til we’re old…
Then your TELOMERES shorten like an ever dwindling fuse…
And though your consciousness resists, your cell cannot refuse
Mitosis stops, your cells shut down…
And here’s the really awful news:
One by one they stop dividing…
Bit by bit you find you’re DYING…
It’s the end of your SOMATIC LINE…
I hope you REPRODUCED in time!
“The only way to escape death that we know of (so far) is through MEIOSIS,,
– whereby you go and create HAPLOID GERM CELLS
that must combine with other HAPLOID GERM CELLS
from some other SOMATIC LINE
and begin the process of MITOSIS all over again!
it’s called “SEX”…
You’re in INTERPHASE when you grow
You’re in INTERPHASE until MITOSIS makes your CELLS DIVIDE again…
It’s  INTERPHASE when you grow
When you grow
When you grow
When you grow

Donnerstag, 1. Januar 2009

Talkin' Trash

Hi class,
Speaking of Disasters, Toxic Hazards and Pollution, I just finished writing this song about pollution called "Talkin' Trash" for the upcoming documentary film "Recycle Circus", part of the trilogy of documentaries about our Circus Guy Musical Goodwill Ambassador Program. Check out http://greenheadmedia.org/pages/documentary.html if you want to see the first documentary, Solar Circus, and parts of the second documentary, Water Circus.
In a week or so I will hopefully finish a demo recording (a scratch version) for you to hear. Meanwhile, here are the chords and lyrics (any musicians among you?).

Talkin’ Trash c 2007 T.H. Culhane Cairo, Egypt
(Bb6/F arpeggio to F#7/E arpeggio twice)

(Bb6/F) Look beyond the garbage in the (Gm) streets to find the (Gm7/F) garbage in your (F#7/E) mind…
Then (Bb6/F) rise above your prejudice of (Em7b5) class to see there’s treasures there to (Ebmaj7) find… (Ebmaj7/C) in (Gm9 pull off )garbage… (Ebmaj7b5 pull off) in garbage… (Gm9 pull off to Ebmaj7b5 pull off)
(Bb) Everyone is told (Everyone is told) (Bb/A) that one man’s garbage is another’s gold
But (Gm) why’re we never told (why’re we never told) (Gm/F) that one man’s gold creates another’s (Cm) garbage? (Ebmaj7) (F#7/E)
(Bb) Lies are often told (Lies are always told) (Bb/A) If they obscure the facts they think our hand will fold (Gm) We’ve got to lay it on the table’n BOLD (Gm/F) that “Pollution is always someone else’s (Cm) profit”… (Ebmaj7b5 pull off) (They’re makin’ lots of money off it…)

Dm / Cm / Dm / Cm / (with cello)
(Dm) (spoken): “It’s a fundamental idea in economics that surplus value creates profit. If that (C#m) surplus can no (Cm) longer be extracted from labor then it must come from the externalization of production residuals – what we call (C#m) “garbage”.

(Dm) This means to both the firm and the family that ‘negative externalities’ must never be paid for, (Cm) must never be accounted for, must (Cm) always be thrown into, dumped into, someone else’s back yard…” (Gm pull off)

(sung): (Dm) When we gonna learn (when we gonna learn)
That one man’s gold creates a-(C#m) nother’s (Cm) garbage?
It’s an adage we recycle, we reverse the lesson that we all earn our
(Dm) Livings from a dustbin from a trash heap of worn ideas (C#m) gleaned from (Cm) garbage

(Cm!)that one’s man’s trash can be another’s gold obscures the (Cm!) darker story that’s never told

(Ebm!) For all that glitters, new or old, is (Ebm!) in the mind, spun into gold by
(B!) those who learned “sell high, buy low”,
the dogma (B/A) behind the status quo is (Bb) garbage… (F#7/E) just garbage… (Bb) (F#7/E)

And it’s (Gm) more than mere frustration

without (F) point-source (Cm) separation

we (Gm) enforce immiseration

having (F) no appreciation

(Cm) that there’s a (Gm) downstream side relation to it (F) all… (Cm)

There (Gm) persists a sad delusion

that the (F) problem of (Cm) pollution can be (Gm) solved by mere dilution –

but that’s (F) not the right (Cm) solution

and there’s (Gm) still too much confusion about it (F) all…

(Cm) We’re now (Gm) plagued by concentrations,

(F) caused by bio-accumulation (Cm)

for many (Gm) toxins simply don’t disperse at (F) all (Cm)

(Ebm) There’s two spheres in which we should operate
One well established, one inchoate
(B) An ecosphere and a technosphere
put organics there, inorganics here (B/A)
this industrial ecology’s the (Bb) way… (F#7/E) to…

(Bb6/F) Look beyond the garbage in the (Gm) streets to find the garbage in your (F#7/E) mind

Then (Bb6/F) rise above the blindness of your (Em7b5) past to see the profits men have (Ebmaj7) mined…

(Ebmaj7/C) from (Gm pull off) garbage…

from (Ebmaj7b5 pull off) garbage…

It’s all (Gm pull off) garbage…

(Ebmaj7b5 pull off) garbage…

We’re talkin’ TRASH…

Bb5 A5 Gm6/9 !!! Bb5 A5 Gm6/9 !!!

Maey Oh Maey! (Water, oh Water!)

Maey Oh Maey! (Water, oh Water!)
copyright 2005 T.H. Culhane, Melodic-Mnemonics

This is the song we performed in Kuwait (2005) and Morrocco (2006) on our Circus Guy Goodwill Musical Ambassador tours. This video (powerpoint) was projected on a screen behind the band as we played the song. We also performed this in a Palestinian refugee camp during the conflict between Israel and Hezbollah in the summer of 2006. The recording was done in Dobbs Ferry, New York in January 2007.

This is one of the two songs (along with "Springtime by Design" that will be featured in "Water Circus", produced by James Dean Conklin and Elissa Zazzerra at Greenheadmedia.org

In the goodwill concerts we did during Education Week in Kuwait with the U.S. State Department, before our song and presentation, we thanked the Kuwaiti people and government saying the following:

"Through Hurricane Katrina, we have seen the power of water for good and ill, in its various forms as rain, storm, flood, contaminated sink of dangerous pollution and, of course, life sustaining blessing for drinking, irrigating and cleansing. From this tragedy we have learned much about the importance of respecting and taking care of water, and we have learned much from the international goodwill response to this terrible event.
“Circus Guy would like to personally thank the government and people of Kuwait for their generous financial and humanitarian support, helping the people of America recover from the environmental and social tragedies that resulted from Hurricane Katrina.
It is in that spirit that we offer this song about that most precious of the world’s resources… something every Arab knows very well!"

Then we began the song:

(tempo 118 bpm, 8 beat)

Verse I
Fmaj7 add G arp, Fdim add G arp, Em7, Am7, Dm, Dm/G G7
Allah made *{of water every living thing}* (Al-Anbiyaa’ 21:30),
...و جَعَلنا من الماءِ كُلَّ شَيءٍ حيٍّ أفلا يُؤمِنونَ (سورة الأنبياءِ ٢١:٣٠ )
The total volume of water on Earth is about 1.4 billion cubic kilometers, but only 41 million of this is fresh water that we can drink and use. We must protect this precious heritage. We must recycle it, we must purify it and make it good to drink again, as Allah intended. We are the stewards of the earth.. and the water…

(Am) There´s lots of talk about (F#m7b5) disasters that are coming down the (F) pike…
(D7) We´re told we´ll soon run out of water and we´ll one day have to (Bb) fight (E7) (riff e g# b e, ´live and let die!´)
(F) But water´s not like oil, it never disappears…
(Dm) It´s so abundant there´s no need for all these fears
(Bb13) Water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink?
(E7) Purifying water, friends, is easier than you think…
(F) Making new fresh water is as simple as can be
(D7)Through Distillation and osmosis and some fun technology, You’ll see… (E7) … Because we´re…


(Am) Living on a water planet
(F) Blue and green on top of granite… (Am) Maey! (bass and horn riff a e g a c a)
(Am) You may call this planet ´Earth´ but
(F) Water is our place of birth…
(D7) A hypersea of living liquid (G7) LIFE!… We´re alive…
´Ashan Maey! (Am) (bass and horn riff a e g a c a) (´Ashan Maey means ´because of water´)

"About 80% of the diseases that plague humanity are water-borne – cholera, typhoid
Amoebic dysentery, diarrhea, and other pathogenic diseases, not to mention
arsenic, lead, mercury and other forms of heavy metal poisoning. These are all completely avoidable. All we have to do is stop dumping our biological and chemical wastes into our water supply. Drinking quality fresh water should NEVER be used to carry our filth. Polluting our water supply is an inexcusable and criminally dangerous practice. Nobody should ever have to get sick or die because of dirty water"

Verse II
(Am) Khilafah means earth stewardship, to (F#m7b5) keep our wastes and filth away from (F) Maey
(D7) Amana is the trust Allah bestowed on all of us to learn and (Bb) try… (iqra!) (E7)Try to do right!)
(F) We must learn from Allah´s plan…, the balance, `Al-Mizan`
(Dm) Learn the hydrologic cycle as water goes through plants to man
(Bb13)Wastes don´t belong in water, not in the toilet nor the sink
(E7) Filth must be composted, water must be fit to drink
(F) Our rivers can´t be sewers, not for home or industry
(D7) We can keep our water pure and clean for all eternity, you’ll see (E7) … because we`re…

(Am) Living on a water planet
(F) Blue and green on top of granite… (Am) Maey? (bass and horn riff a e g a c a)
(Am) You may call this planet ´Earth´ but
(F) Water is our place of birth…
(D7) A hypersea of living liquid (G7) LIFE!… We´re alive…
´Ashan Maey! (Am) (bass and horn riff a e g a c a) (´Ashan Maey means ´because of water´)

Am-F Am Am/B C11, C9


There are (F) Living Machines that can (F#m7b5) make water clean again… (C)
Plants and (F) algae, it seems, like to (F#m7b5) play on our team…
(G) Cleaning our wastes, puri- (E ) fying our streams…
(F) Wind and sunlight can power desalinization, making
(F#m7b5) salt water fresh water through distillation

(C ) Maey…. oh… (Am) Maey….
(F) Oh why can´t we (F#m7b5) see it´s the (C ) reason we thrive (Am)
(Am7) Allah gave us Maey! (Fmaj7 add G arp) But we have to be wise… Fdim add G arp)
(Em7 arp) We must practice Amana, be the viceroys of life! (Am 7 arp) Allah gave us (Dm7 arp) Maey, oh maey oh maey! (Dm/G) (G7)

(C) Living on a water planet
(Am) Blue and green on top of granite… (Fmaj7 arp) Maey! (bass and horn riff a e g a c a)
(C) You may call this planet ´Earth´ but
(Am) Water is our place of birth…
(F) A hypersea of living liquid (G7) LIFE!… We´re alive…
´Ashan Maey! (C arp) (Am7 arp) (C arp) (Am7 arp) (Fmaj7 arp)

When we performed the song, singing to hundreds of schoolkids (including the children of the Sabah oil sheikh family) in front of the IMAX theatre screen in the Kuwait Science Center, with our video behind us on the 70 foot screen, we made the mistake of having the slide with the Qur'anic quote showing while the musical intro began. This deeply offended our fundamentalist hosts, who told us that one must never associate the Qur'an (Koran) with music or entertainment of any kind! We thought we were honoring Islam! In subsequent concerts we remedied the problem by simply showing the slide before the music began and after it stopped. As long as there is no music playing while referencing the Koran, we were told, things are okay.

Quranic environmental science quotes from various Arabic web sites:

*{Then set your face upright for religion in the right state-- the nature made by Allah in which He has made men; there is no altering of Allah's creation; that is the right religion, but most people do not know.}* (Ar-Rum 30:30)
In the Quran, men and women are viewed as God’s vicegerents on Earth. (2:30). God created nature in a balance (“al-mizan”) and mankind’s responsibility is to maintain this fragile equilibrium through wise governance and sound personal conduct."

"The Quran also describes the believing men and women as those who “walk on the Earth in humility.” (25:63). Scholars have interpreted this verse, and others like it, to mean that Muslims are to protect nature’s many bounties given to them by the Almighty. Preservation is therefore more than a good policy recommendation - it is a commandment from God.
Allah has blessed the earth on which we live with abundant natural resources, and He has given the human race intelligence and power to use these resources for its benefit. At the same time, Allah has bestowed upon human beings the honor and responsibility of khilafah (stewardship) of these natural resources. The concept that it is our sacred duty to respect, preserve, and sustain the animals, plants, and inorganic resources of the Earth was revealed to the Muslims 1400 years before the term "human habitat (environmentalism)" was coined in the West. Allah has revealed, "Behold, thy Lord said to the angels, 'I will create a vicegerent on earth.' They said: 'Wilt Thou place therein one who will create mischief therein and shed blood?' ..." (Surah Baqara, ayah 30), for, unfortunately, man has been learning the hard way the lesson that wanton exploitation of natural resources leads to irreversible destruction."