Donnerstag, 13. November 2008

Tools for flash

 I wanted to be able to create an animation in Flash MX 2004 where the sun rises and sets over a graph showing TOU (Time of Use).  To guide the animation I wanted to draw an arc as a path.  But the pen tool doesn't seem to work like it does in photshop, so for the life of me I couldn't figure out how to do it.

Fortunately, Ric Ewing over at Adobe created some free Action Script Tools that will do the trick and posted them for all of us free to use here:

 To create the sun:


Create a Transparent Image using Adobe PhotoShop®

 To be able to duplicate layers and delete empty frames these Macromedia Flash Extensions are key (note you have to download Macromedia Extension Manager 1.6 for Flash MX 2004).

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